
2019-11-12 16:25:07     浏览次数:980次



allow / permit sb .to do sth .允许某人做某事

allow / permit doing sth . 允许做某事。此时动词只用ing 形式。

反义词forbid 具有同样用法。


许多情况下可换用,只是词意的强弱上有差异。allow语意较弱,含有听任默许不加阻止的意思;permit 语意较强,强调正式认可批准的意思。如:

The nurse allowed him to remain there ,though it was not permitted.


amaze vt.使……惊奇 = astonish, surprise

  The news amazed us greatly.这条消息使我们感到很惊奇。


  They were all amazed at the amazing news.  听到这个令人吃惊的消息他们感到惊讶。

  (2)amazement n.

  to one’s amazement令人吃惊的是

  To my amazement, they have gone to Xishuangbanna.  让我奇怪的是,他们去西双版纳了。

类似短语:to one’s happiness/excitement/sadness/puzzlement


and so on : etc 等等。用来表示列举,但又不一一列出。

He knows five foreign languages, English, French, Japanese and so on.他懂5种外语,如英语、法语、日语等等。

announce, explain, introduce, declare后面不接双宾语,若以人作宾语常置于to后。如:

The president announced to the workers the sad news.

The president announced the sad news to the workers.总裁向工人宣布了那不幸的消息。

He introduced the new comer to everyone here.他把新来的那个人介绍给这里的每个人。

report to sb.向某人汇报:report sth/sb.to sb.向某人汇报/告诉。


①The teacher explained his students how to use the computer.

②No one declared us we could not smoke here.

Key:①explain后加to    ②declare后加to


another day/the other day/some day/one day

another day 可表示近期将来的某一天,意为改天,也可表示过去将来某一动作或状态延续的又一天。如:

She is coming another day instead of today. 她今天不来,改天来。

You may do it another day.


He stayed there (for) another day/another two days after I lift.


the other day 相当于a few days ago,意为几天前、某天、那天、不久前,句中用一般过去时。如:

I met her in the street the other day.几天前我在街上碰见过她。

I bought the watch the other day.这手表我是几天前买的。

some day指将来总有一天、有朝一日、终将、(日后)某一天,谓语动词用一般将来时.:

Your wishes will come true some day.总有一天你的愿望会实现的。

Some day you’ll have to pay for what you have done.


one day可以表示(过去)某一天,谓语动词常用一般过去式;也可表示(将来)某一天,这时可与some day互相代替,谓语常用一般将来时。如:

One day I went to see my first teacher ,but he happened to be out.有一天,我去看我的启蒙老师,可碰巧他出去了。

He will understand the teacher one day/some day.将来有一天,他会理解老师的。

anxious, eager

两个词均有渴望,急于之意。anxious 着重指焦急、着急或担心;而eager着重指对成功的期望或进取的热情。两者都多用作表语,其主语通常是人,不能以无生命的事物作主语。对比:

He is eager to join the army.他渴望参军。

He is anxious to know whether he has been chosen.



①be anxious to do sth.渴望急切地做某事;be anxious for渴望(了解、得到);

be anxious about担心,对……感到不安

②be eager to do sth.急切地想做某事;

be eager for (about, after)渴望,渴求,

be eager for your help渴望得到你的帮助;

be eager about peace渴望和平


The students ________ ________ ________ ________ the results ofthe examination.

那个小男孩渴望得到一台新录音机。The little boy was ________ ________a new recorder.

我很担心我儿子的健康。I’m ________ ________my son’s health.

他殷切希望女儿的成功。He is __________ _________ his daughter’s success.

Key:①are, anxious(eager),to ,know②anxious(eager)for③anxious, about④eager, for(about, after)

apologize for doing sth.

apologize是不及物动词,意为道歉,其表达式为“apologize to sb.for sth.”。如:

You must apologize to your sister for being so rude.它的名词形式是apology, 复数形式是apologizes.

make one’s apologies to sb. for sth.= make an apology to sb. for sth.如:

He make his apologies to me for coming late.


As a result, it appered to scientists on earth that the stars had moved.因此,地球上的科学家看来,恒星好像是移动了。

句型:It appears/seems(to sb.) +that—clause.看来/似乎是……

①It appears to me that something is wrong.我看好像有点不大对头。

②It appears that he will the prize.看来他会得笑。


appear, seem, look都有看起来似……”之意,但其暗含意思和用法又各有不同。



He appears to know more than he really does。他看起来好像懂得很多。(其实懂得没有那么多)


His health seems to be better.他的健康状况似乎有所好转。


He doesn’t look his age.他看起来比实际年龄年轻(或老成)。



(to + be)+表语(adj.n.prep.)

+to v.

It + ~ +(that)从句如:

He seems/appearsto bevery sad today.=It seems that he is very sad today.

It seems like years since I saw you last time.

He seems a kind doctor.=It seems that he is a kind doctor.

He seems/appears to have caught a cold.=It seems/appears that he has caught a cold.

look看起来似乎as if从句。如:

He looks strong.

She looks like her mother.

It looks as if we are going to miss the train.…”讲时,可接形容词、过去分词、名词、介词短语

area; district


The old man lives in a mountain area.这位老人生活在山东。

This is a less developed area.这是个欠发达地区。

Most of the large land areas are connected.多数大块陆地是相连的。


Where is the District of Columbia?哥伦比亚特区在什么地方?

The old man used to work in the jin-Cha-Ji Military District.那位老人曾经在晋察冀军区工作。

The northeast part of the city is the residential district.这城市的东北部是住宅区。


take…in one’s arms


He went into classroom, taking some books in his arms.

As a child….:As/When he was a child…,小的时候,该句型中的as为连词,意为……的时候,引导时间状语从句。当从句与主句主语一致,且从句谓语为be时,可将从句主语及be省略。

①Even as(he was)a student,Professor Smith showed great interest in maths.甚至上学的时候,史密斯教授对数学就很感兴趣。

②As(he was)a boy,he liked playing table tennis with the grown-ups.小时候,他就喜欢和大人们打乒乓球。

as a result 作为结果,结果(发生某情况),可置于句首,也可置于句末

She got up very early. As a result, she was able to catch the early bus.她起得很早,因此她赶上了早班车。

He has won the game. He is in high spirits as a result. 他赢了比赛,所以他精神高昂。

He runs every day .As a result , he has lost weight .他每天跑步,结果他减肥了。

as a result of 作为……的结果,as a result of……的结果是

As a result of exercise , he has built up his health.

 The flight was delayed as a result of typhoon.该次班机因台风而延误

result in = lead to 导致,造成……结果,如:

Hard work results in success.努力终归成功。(= Success results from hard work.成功来自努力)

Hard work results in success. 勤奋才会成功。

result from ……产生的结果,如:

Success results from hard work. 成功来自勤奋。

His illness resulted from overwork.  他的病起因于操劳过渡。


as many as ……一样多/多达;as much as ……一样多/多达(注意:many指可数的量,much 指不可数词的量);as high as ……一样高/高达;as thick as ……一样厚/厚达;as long as 一样长/长达;as deep as 一样深/深达;as early as 一样早/早在……时候,如:

We have as many books as they.我们的书和他们的一样多。/The great fire burned down as many as twenty buildings.大火烧毁的大楼多达20座。




Key:①The new bridge is as long as the old one./The kind of fish can grow as long as 15 feet.

②This mountain is as high as another one in the distance./This mountain is as high as 4,000 metres.

as…as possible:as…as one can尽可能地…….

①I’ll come back as soon as possible.我尽可能地……

②Get up as early as possible tomorrow morning. 明天早晨尽量早起。


1...as+形容词(副词)原级+as...;not as/so+形容词(副词)原级+as...

Their factory is as large as ours.他们的工厂和我们的一样大。

I study as hard as you.我和你一样用功学习。

He doesn’t get up as/ so early as his parents.他不像他父母那样早起床。

2……倍数 +  as + 形容词(副词)原级+as...

Line AB is 3 times as long as Line CD.=Line AB is twice longer than/3 times the length of Line CD.线段AB是线段CD长的3倍。

3as + 形容词 + a/an + 单数可数名词 + as; as + 形容词+复数名词 + as

She is as good many records as possible.我们需要尽量多的唱片。

There is as much sugar in it as eight pieces of sugar.其中的含糖量相当于八块方糖。

I have’t got as much money as I thought.我没有原来想象的那么多钱。

5as much/ many as多达…………那么多

On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.在运动会上,进行接力赛跑时,你消耗的能量最多,可能每小时多达650卡。

As many as 700 different languages are spoken in Africa.非洲有多达700种不同的语言。

He didn’t catch as many as he’d hoped.他没有捉住预想的那么多。

6as...as possible; as... as one can

 The teacher should write the words on the blackboard as carefully as he can. =The teacher should write the words on the blackboard as carefully as possible.老师在黑板上应尽可能仔细地把字写好。

Please be as friendly as possible to your friends.=Please be as friendly as you can.请对你的朋友尽可能友好。

7as...as + 年代数字/名词

As early as 1950 I knew him.早在1950 年我就认识他了。

He walked as far as the post office.他步行到邮局。

8as/so far as I know

As/ So for as I know, he will be away from home for 3 months.就我所知,他将要离家3个月。

9as soon as—…………

Please let us know as soon as you arrive in Bejing.一到北京,请通知我们一声。

10as well as 和;也;还有

He gave me money as well as advice.他除了给我忠告外,还给我钱。

He studies French as well as English.他不但学习英语,而且学习法语。

11as/so long as 只要;如果

You may use that dictionary as long as you take care of it.只要你好好保存,你可以用那本词典。

as a matter of fact=in fact事实上、实际上……

It seems easy,but as a matter of fact,it’ll take us a long time to work it out.



1)as(so)far as ……一样远,远至(原级比较或表示距离);就……来讲

2)as(so)long as ……一样长(原级比较);只要(引导条件


3as well as……一样好;既…………(连接并列成分)

4as good as……一样好;事实上(作状语)


他们实际上已经答应帮助我们了。They have ________ _______ ______ promised to help us.

油漆后的这辆自行车和新的一样。Painted, this bike is _______ _____ ______ a new one.

小李英语说得和汉语一样好。Xiao Li speaks English______ ______ _____ she speaks Chinese.

他和他的父母对我都很好。He _______ ______ ______his parents is kind to me.

晚饭后我们一直到走山脚下。After supper we walked______ _____ ______the foot of the hill.

就我所知,他将离开两个月。______ ______ ______I know, he’ll be away for two months.

只要努力,你一定会成功。________ ________ _______you work hard, you’ll succeed in time.

这座新建的桥据说和旧的一样长。This newly – built bridge is said to be _____ ____  ___the old one.

Key:①②as good as;③④as well as ⑤as far as    ⑥As, far,as ⑦As/so,long,as ⑧as,long,as

as if可用as though替换,在此引导表语从句,另外它们也可引导状语从句,从句既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气。如:

①It looks as if /though it’s going to rain.(陈述语气)

②You look as if you’d seen a ghost.(虚拟语气)

as is the case with = as with ……就和……的情况一样

  As is the case with his mother, he is fond of music.  跟母亲一样,他喜欢音乐。

  As with human, animals also love their babies.  同人一样,动物也爱它们的幼仔。

as good as

as good as 作为固定词组意为几乎一样实际上等于,作为同级比较结构,意为……一样好。如:

①He is as good at English as me.②My bike is as good as yours.

…as it is


如:He decided to buy the house as it is.